Tuesday, December 23, 2014

At Every Corner

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men."
Luke 2:14
I love reading through the book of Luke this time of year, recalling the Christmas story in my mind. What an incredible event! What an example of trust in Joseph. Faith from Mary. Grace and love from God Almighty. 
I know I've talked a lot about the stresses of the past year. I've discussed our struggles to some extent, but hardly in depth. I also know many of you who are dealing with many other issues. Death. Sickness. Frustration. Loneliness. Grief. PTSD. Divorce. Sadness. The list is endless. Whatever it is, it's big to you and I know that feeling all too well. I just wanted to share some bible verses that I have on repeat in my head lately that might just help you get through the holidays, too.
"God surrounds me with his favor." Psalm 5:12
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed." Psalm 34:18
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
"He will be our peace." Micah 5:5
"Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Psalm 116:2
"My God with his loving kindness shall come to meet me at every corner." Psalm 59:10
Are you getting the major theme? He is with us always. ALWAYS. He'll be with you when your patience is tested with those people you don't really want to be around. He'll be with you when you're seemingly all alone. He is with you in the wee hours of the morning when you'll try to put together a crazy, difficult toy in hopes of surprising your kid with a new gift. He'll be with you when your Christmas isn't the picture perfect facebook post you thought it would be. When the kids are crying in the backseat while you travel, when they forget to say please and thank you, and when they ask for something you can't afford, God will be right there with you. How amazing is that? The God of the universe is with you. He's with me. He's right there with us.
We aren't promised an easy road in life, but that doesn't mean we can't choose happiness every day. Every hour. Or in my case, minute by minute. It's a decision.
Earlier this week, I almost let someone upset me. But I quickly came to my senses because I asked myself if I had any control over the situation? No, I did not. I asked myself if there was anything I had done wrong in the situation. No, there wasn't. The awesome thing about God being by my side 24/7 is that I can have an overwhelming sense of peace when others try to put me down. My identity is tied up in Him so I don't have to fear. I don't have to let anyone walk all over me in order to build themselves up. I'm God's girl. He is my peace.
Be kind to one another this Christmas season. We don't know what other people might be going through inside. May the glory be to God and goodwill to all our neighbors down here that we're doing life with.
Merry Christmas, y'all! I wish each of you well. I really, really do.
(The boys do, too despite their grumpy faces.)


Jen said...

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

Bethany and Isaac said...

Hey! Are you OK? I don't see you on FB anymore (like literally cannot see you) and you haven't posted here all month. You can email me at bethanybro at hotmail dot com if you want. You're all in my thoughts!

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